About Company
Dolce & Gabbana USA, Inc
Beverly Hills, CA
Job Info
Job Status: Expired
No of Vacancies: 1
Date Posted: August 20, 2024
Expiry Date: September 03, 2024
Job Type: Full Time
Job Level: Top level
Years of Experience: 3
Salary Info
Salary Type: Fixed
Salary: $
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Job Duties:

Plan and execute retail marketing promotions, CRM, events and activities for company’s retail stores and commercial accounts. Report directly to senior management team, recommending marketing budgets for retail and outlet marketing. Create methods to improve and/or enhance company’s existing marketing programs and strategies. Review customer base and expand opportunities to attract prospective clients and customer base utilizing marketing tools such as loyalty programs, holiday gifts, etc. Oversee the production of marketing collateral pieces such as digital outreach generated for in-store promotions. Foster online marketing partnership programs to ensure multi-channel campaigns are optimized for the in-store experience. Conduct ongoing competitive analysis and review of marketing programs to advise on improved programs and strategies. Improve marketing operational procedures to streamline and optimize company’s marketing programs. Develop future strategy for improving marketing effectiveness and reach. Prepare regional media plans for the North America CEO and Global CMO, which includes print, digital, out-of-home and direct marketing. Implement successful digital media to increase awareness, website traffic, and conversion. Enact procedures and enhanced protocols to ensure the highest quality of marketing programs for the brand. Research and develop methodologies to provide continuous improvement of marketing processes, offering a comprehensive plan to ensure the company’s improved marketing programs and related services. Develop a vision and strategic direction in alignment with the company’s future business goals and planning, which includes developing strategic marketing plans to support this vision and direction, and development of department budgets and ensure execution is consistent with the plan.

Job Requirements:

U.S. or foreign Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) or equivalent degree, with three (3) years of experience in the job offered, or as a Director of Marketing & CRM, Manager of Marketing & CRM, Director of Brand Marketing, Client Development & Business Analysis Manager, or related position, including experience executing marketing campaigns across all business lines and consumer channels, and managing creative and media buying agencies to optimize brand communication, increase awareness, and maximize return on investment.

Worksite Location:  Beverly Hills, CA