About Company
Bladework Games LLC
Los Angeles, CA
Job Info
Job Status: Expired
No of Vacancies: 1
Date Posted: June 26, 2024
Expiry Date: July 09, 2024
Job Type: Full Time
Job Level: Entry level
Years of Experience: 0
Salary Info
Salary Type: Fixed
Salary: $
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Job Duties:

Develop, engineer, and implement software for gameplay features, and engineer solutions for existing and new projects. Build software tools and systems for video games. Develop, engineer and implement tools for player kit creation and combat systems that allow different fighting mechanics and status effects, including shield systems, weapon resource systems, staggering systems, custom GA timer tools, combat effect data systems for convenient effect applications, and hit-stop systems. Development for player kit prototyping and experimenting, including quick tech support for design experiments and creative inputs on the subject. Make ad-hoc adjustments and changes to player control schemes, add new weapon swapping rules to test gameplay, and add new status effect mechanics for various special player abilities. Develop, engineer, and implement player combat UI. Develop MVM for combat UI. Build dynamic HP widgets using custom UI shaders, and engineer off-screen indicators and damage floater base classes. Engineer software solutions for bugs and problems related to combat software, such as issues with player combo triggering, enemy barrier stacking, and knockback effect issues.

Job Requirements:

U.S. or foreign Bachelor’s or equivalent degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Interactive Entertainment or a related field, with coursework in Video Game Programming, Programming Game Engines, Intermediate Game Development, and Designing Social Games.

Worksite Location: Los Angeles, CA.