About Company
Practice (formerly Gonzalez Goodale Architects, dba GGA)
Pasadena, California
Job Info
Job Status: Expired
No of Vacancies: 1
Date Posted: June 26, 2024
Expiry Date: July 09, 2024
Job Type: Full Time
Job Level: Entry level
Years of Experience: 0
Salary Info
Salary Type: Fixed
Salary: $
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Job Duties:    

Lead the company design process, incorporating affordable housing development and design principles into the design of projects. Implement Trauma Informed design principles in both affordable housing and learning environment designs. Execute and manage the design and technical development of projects through all phases of development, from Conceptual Design, Programming and Code Review to Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration. Develop iterative design options and technical documentation synthesizing programmatic, environmental, technical, and cultural factors. Design schools for children with learning and physical disabilities. Design supportive services (including case management office areas) for affordable housing developments. Design and coordinate residential unit design (including accessibility requirements) that adhere to affordable housing State funding requirements. Engage and coordinate with project consultants including structural engineers, MEP, civil engineers, and landscape architects on design projects.

Job Requirements:   

U.S. or foreign Bachelor’s or equivalent degree in Architecture or a related field, with coursework in Advanced Construction Project Delivery, Environmental Systems, and Design Development.

Worksite Location: Pasadena, CA