About Company
Enderby Entertainment Inc
Calabasas, CA
Job Info
Job Status: Expired
No of Vacancies: 1
Date Posted: August 16, 2024
Expiry Date: August 30, 2024
Job Type: Full Time
Job Level: Top level
Years of Experience: 3
Salary Info
Salary Type: Fixed
Salary: $
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Job Duties:

Organize activities to implement company's aggressive fundraising strategy and secure finances in order to fund the production of several films simultaneously. Design and produce strong promotional documents relating to fundraising and to raise awareness of company’s projects and financial needs. Research prospective sources of funds. Identify and contact potential funders. Ensure that all legal requirements are satisfied.

Job Requirements:

Three (3) years of experience in the job offered, or as Vice President of Fundraising, CEO, President, or Vice President of Corporate Development, including experience with business development, product line development, strategic planning, commercialization initiatives, and team leadership and development.

Worksite Location: Calabasas, CA